Big Ideas
Which educational practices can you imagine abolishing in schools? I am sure you can think of ineffective, grossly expensive, distracting, or miseducative “traditions” most people take for granted.
The personal blog of Gary S. Stager, Ph.D.
Which educational practices can you imagine abolishing in schools? I am sure you can think of ineffective, grossly expensive, distracting, or miseducative “traditions” most people take for granted.
A boyhood dream has come true. I was interviewed by California School Business Magazine! I certainly sized the opportunity to pull no punches. I left …
On October 12, 2012, MSNBC host and former West Wing writer, Lawrence O’Donnell, dedicated his “Rewrite” commentary to the sorts of changes he believes would …
In the words of the great political philosopher, Popeye the Sailor Man, “That’s all I can stands, I can’t stands no more.” On the same …
During these dark days of American history in which politicians, media figures and billionaires of every persuasion are vilifying teachers and turning classrooms into joy-free …
In the current world of education policy, nothing succeeds quite like failure. Traditionally, Australia’s newly elected Labor Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, “should” be pro-teacher and …
I’m writing this column because I’m embarrassed. Two recent issues of District Administration have carried columns by Gary Stager that have attacked aspects of the …
In case you hadn’t noticed, the Dale Carnegie era is well and truly over. American republican democracy is at great risk when one party, the …
There seems to be a part of a politician’s reptilian brain hardwired to believe that teachers are deliberately suppressing the almighty student standardized test scores until the government awards them an extra buck a day.