July 26, 2024


The following videos are a good representation of my work as a conference keynote speaker and educational consultant. The production values vary, but my emphasis on creating more productive contexts for learning remains in focus.

  • For information on bringing Dr. Stager to your conference, school or district, click here.
  • For biographical information about Dr. Stager, click here.
  • For a list of new keynote topics and workshops by Dr. Stager, click here
  • For a list of popular and “retired” keynote topics by Dr. Stager, click here.
  • For family workshops, click here.
  • To learn more about the range of educational services offered by Dr. Stager, click here.

 Gary Stager’s three different TEDx Talks from around the world

Gary Stager “This is Our Moment “ – Conferencia Anual 2014 Fundación Omar Dengo (Costa Rica, November 2014)

Gary Stager – Questions and Answers Section – Annual Lecture 2014 (Costa Rica, November 2014)

“Gary Stager My Hope for School”
Clip from the imagine it!² The Power of Imagination documentary


This is What Learning Looks Like – Strategies for Hands-on Learning, a conversation with Steve Hargadon
2012 San Mateo Maker Faire.


Gary Stager “This is Our Moment “ – Conferencia Anual 2014 Fundación Omar Dengo (Costa Rica)
San José, Costa Rica. November 2014


Gary Stager – Questions and Answers Section – Annual Lecture 2014 (Costa Rica)
San José, Costa Rica. November 2014


Ten Things to Do with a Laptop – Learning and Powerful Ideas
Keynote Address – ITEC Conference – Des Moines, Iowa – October 2011

Plenary Talk at Construtionism 2014 Conference
Vienna, Austria. August, 2014


Children, Computing and Creativity
Address to KERIS – Seoul, South Korea – October 2011


Gary Stager’s 2011 TEDxNYED Talk
NY, NY – March 2011


Gary Stager Discusses 1:1 Computing with the Omar Dengo Foundation
University of Costa Rica – San José, Costa Rica – June 2011


Progressive Education and The Maker Movement – Symbiosis or Mutually Assured Destruction? (approx 45:00 in)
FabLearn 2014 Paper Presentation
October 2014. Stanford University

Keynote Address: Making School Reform
FabLearn 2013 Conference.
October 2013. Stanford University.

Making, Love, and Learning
February 2014. Marin County Office of Education.


Gary Stager’s Plenary Address at the Constructionism 2010 Conference
Paris, France – August 2010


Gary Stager Excerpts from NECC ’09 Keynote Debate
June 2009 – Washington D.C.

For more information, go to: http://stager.tv/?p=493


Dr. Stager interviewed by ICT Qatar
Doha, Qatar – Spring 2010


Learning Adventures: Transforming Real and Virtual Learning Environments
NECC 2009 Spotlight Session – Washington, D.C. – June 2009
More information may be found at http://stager.tv/?p=531


© 2009-2015 Gary S. Stager – All Rights Reserved Except TEDxNYED & Imagine IT2 clip owned by producers

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