High-Quality Tech Options for Children & Families
Not all screens are created equally! There is a profound difference between how parents use an iPad to quiet a toddler at a pancake house …
The personal blog of Gary S. Stager, Ph.D.
Not all screens are created equally! There is a profound difference between how parents use an iPad to quiet a toddler at a pancake house …
I try hard not to impose my will upon our “students.” Honest educators will confess that such temptation is hard to resist, especially when you would like students to have a particular experience or learn something specific. Add the constraints imposed by a four-day event and oh, boy do you want to teach! But resist you must!
You’re Invited! Please join us in celebration of the publication of our new book, Twenty Things to Do with a Computer Forward 50: Future Visions of …
NeoPixels are tiny, programmable, color-changing, LEDs manufactured by AdaFruit. NeoPixels make cool additions to micro:bit projects since they require little power, can be addressed individually or in groups, and can change color. Although MakeCode makes programming the micro:bit easy, there was too little documentation about how to control the NeoPixels until now.
Over the past few months, I have been engaged in several projects intended to help educators in Alabama identify the potential of Computer Science, not just as a course of study, but as a vehicle for improving pedagogical practice and amplifying the potential of children.
At the start of the pandemic, I led an online masterclass sharing my approach to teaching kids to program computers. You may watch that video …
I fell in love with computer programming in a public junior high school 7th grade class back in 1975. (Read Me and Mr. Jones) By …
Bungling the World’s Easiest Sale Gary Stager District Administration, Oct 2005 10/1/2005 Forty years ago Seymour Papert began talking about a computer for every learner. …
This week, I will speak at my 29th ISTE Conference (International Society for Technology in Education, previously NECC) in Denver, Colorado. I have made at least one …
[April 2016] At last week’s #asugsv Summit, the annual bacchanal where dilettantes, amateurs, libertarians, billionaires, and Silicon Valley mercenaries gather to plot the destruction of public …