September 12, 2024

Who Elected Bill Gates?

My latest article is in The Huffington Post. It’s called, “Who Elected Bill Gates?

The article is dense, but that was required to support my my indictment of his dangerous  influence and educational cockamamie schemes. I was thrilled when my article appeared originally  below one by Bill Gates and above an entry by his former deputy, Tom VanderArk, on the Education page of The Huffington Post.

It’s sad to watch a once smart and talented man go mad right before our eyes. There needs to be an intervention for Bill Gates. I fear that he has taken leave of his senses and finally jumped the shark…

…You would think that nothing else could surprise me, but now, Bill Gates has descended into the delusional world of Charlie Sheen.

Read the rest of the article here. PLEASE comment and share the article. It’s important that The Huffington Post know that like-minded folks are out there reading!