July 26, 2024

Arne Duncan is the Harriet Miers of the Obama Administration

One thought on “Arne Duncan is the Harriet Miers of the Obama Administration

  1. Gary,

    I respect you as an educational leader and as a voice on educational reform, but this is hardly a rational or fair comparison. I suggest that you send your readers to a source that actually covers Duncan on a daily basis – like Catalyst Chicago. If you head to http://www.catalyst-chicago.org/ and search for Duncan you will see an excellent collection of articles on what he has (or has not) done as a leader in education. Or just spend 2 minutes reading their review at http://www.catalyst-chicago.org/news/index.php?item=2514&cat=5

    At least give your readers something to go on rather than foaming at the mouth babble.


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