Just minutes after posting my article, “BYOD (Bring your own device) – Worst Idea of the 21st Century?,” I received an email message from my nephew saying that he needs to raise $1,300 for the high school orchestra trip next spring.
As a result, he would like me to buy some crap I don’t need so the crap-selling company can make a whole bunch of profit off the backs of school children. Ironically, the school has yet to tell the kids where they will be going. Sell crap first, ask questions later!
If you need some useless crap or are just feeling generous, my nephew and I humbly thank you. His student ID = vth8435 if you need it.
With much gratitude,
Doctor Uncle Gary
Help send my nephew Mathew on his band trip via PayPal

Veteran educator Gary Stager, Ph.D. is the author of Twenty Things to Do with a Computer – Forward 50, co-author of Invent To Learn — Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom, publisher at Constructing Modern Knowledge Press, and the founder of the Constructing Modern Knowledge summer institute. He led professional development in the world’s first 1:1 laptop schools thirty years ago and designed one of the oldest online graduate school programs. Gary is also the curator of The Seymour Papert archives at Learn more about Gary here.