July 27, 2024

Press Release: Stager keynotes 4 national conferences in 9 months

For Immediate Release


– Dr. Gary Stager was keynote speaker at major national conferences in the USA, New Zealand, Qatar and Australia —

Torrance, CA, June 1, 2010
– Veteran educator, speaker, journalist and consultant Gary Stager has enjoyed a remarkable year of speaking at several of the world’s leading educational technology conferences. Recently, Dr. Stager was the keynote speaker at national conferences in Qatar and Australia. This spring’s “around-the-world” trip was quickly followed by a presentation at the National School Boards Association national conference and a keynote address delivered at the Villanova University annual Tech Expo. The June 2010 issue of Tech & Learning Magazine named Gary Stager as “one of today’s leaders who are changing the landscape of edtech through innovation and leadership.”

Dr. Stager was the keynote speaker at the following national conferences since June 2009:

  1. The National Educational Computing Conference, Washington D.C., June 2009. Stager participated in a keynote debate moderated by Robert Siegel of National Public Radio before 4,500 educators at one of the world’s leading educational technology conferences.
  2. uLearn 2009, Wellington, New Zealand, October 2009. Dr. Stager delivered the keynote address, Ten Things to Do with a Laptop: Learning and Powerful Ideas.
  3. ICT Qatar 3rd Annual ICT in Education Conference, Doha, Qatar, March 2010. Dr. Stager delivered the keynote address, The Best Educational Ideas in the World before an audience of Qatari educators and Heir Apparent – Minister of Education, Chairman of the Supreme Education Council Crown Prince Sheikh Tamin Bin Halmad Al Thank. This was Dr. Stager’s third working trip to Qatar in the past two years.
  4. The Australian Computers In Education Conference, Melbourne, Australia, April 2010. Dr. Stager delivered the keynote address, You Say You Want a Revolution, at this biennial national conference.

The Australian (ACEC) conference was of special significance to Dr. Stager since it marks the 20th anniversary of his work across Australia, including leading professional development at many of the world’s first “laptop schools.” “ACEC is very special to me because it was the first conference I ever keynoted, back in 1992, and provides an opportunity for to reflect upon my twenty years of work in such a wonderful country. I remain moved by the innovative nature and hospitality of Australian educators,” Stager said.

For more, visit www.stager.org or e-mail gary@stager.org. Follow Gary Stager on Twitter at @garystager or join the Constructivist Consortium at constructivistconsortium.org

About Gary S. Stager, Ph.D.
Since 1982, Gary Stager, an internationally recognized educator, speaker, journalist and consultant, has helped learners of all ages on six continents embrace the power of computers as intellectual laboratories and vehicles for self-expression. He led professional development in the world’s first laptop schools (1990), has designed online graduate school programs since the mid-90s, is a collaborator in the MIT Media Lab’s Future of Learning Group and a member of the One Laptop Per Child Foundation’s Learning Team.

Dr. Stager’s doctoral research involved the creation a high-tech alternative learning environment for incarcerated at-risk teens with his colleague MIT Professor Seymour Papert. Recent work has included teaching at-risk students in the United States and Australia. Gary was Senior Editor of District Administration Magazine and Founding Editor of The Pulse: Education’s Place for Debate. He is currently Visiting Professor at Pepperdine University, an Associate of the Thornburg Center for Professional Development and the Executive Director of The Constructivist Consortium

In 1999, Converge Magazine named Gary a “shaper of our future and inventor of our destiny.” The National School Boards Association recognized Dr. Stager with the distinction of “20 Leaders to Watch” in 2007. He is featured in the recent documentary, imagine it!² The Power of Imagination. In commemoration of its 30th anniversary, Tech & Learning Magazine named Gary Stager as “one of today’s leaders who are changing the landscape of edtech through innovation and leadership.”  The list of thirty honorees announced in June 2010 included, US Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan; Segway inventor, Dean Kamen; MIT Professor Mitchel Resnick; Harvard Professor Chris Dede; Stanford Professor, Linda Darling-Hammond and financier/philanthropist Michael Milken.

Gary was the new media producer for The Brian Lynch/Eddie Palmieri Project – Simpatíco, 2007 Grammy Award Winner for Best Latin Jazz Album of the Year. Dr. Stager is also a regular contributor to The Huffington Post. He leads his own annual professional learning institute, Constructing Modern Knowledge, in the United States.

About The Constructivist Consortium
The Constructivist Consortium represents unprecedented collaboration between six publishing companies committed to children, creativity and constructivist learning.

Veteran educator Dr. Gary Stager serves as the executive director of the Constructivist Consortium. “Working together, the six companies can increase their visibility in a chaotic marketplace,” said Stager. “These companies recognize that computers are important instruments in the lives of kids and all support an unprecedented variety of learning experiences expressed through personally meaningful projects. Computers don’t need to be used in passive ways or to reinforce outdated classroom practice.” This common mission unites the six Founding Member companies.

The Constructivist Consortium’s collaborative marketing and advocacy efforts are intended to celebrate classroom innovation. The Constructivist Consortium’s companies see it as part of their corporate and civic missions to give voice to creative educators and create venues in which they may be refreshed, inspired and feel less isolated.

The Constructivist Consortium sponsors the popular Constructivist Celebrations and annual Constructing Modern Knowledge summer institute.

Member companies produce products designed to inspire classroom creativity and place children at the center of the learning process. Those companies are Tech4Learning, Schoolkit, LCSI, Inspiration Software, Generation YES & FableVision.