One Proud Uncle
My nephew Mathew is a terrific 13 year-old with lots of interests and much to my chagrin, he loves school. In fact, he has never …
The personal blog of Gary S. Stager, Ph.D.
My nephew Mathew is a terrific 13 year-old with lots of interests and much to my chagrin, he loves school. In fact, he has never …
Just in case you didn’t think teachers have enough to contend with after massive budget cuts, layoffs, standardized testing and scores published by teacher in …
Cross-posted from the Constructing Modern Knowledge site. Web2.0pians should pay special attention to his mention of “personal learning communities.” Educators fortunate enough to attend Constructing …
Before accepting over-testing as inevitable, try debating the issue with parents and students Our schools are in the midst of a mass panic not seen …
Champions of public education, teachers and students lost an important ally recently when Gerald Bracey passed away unexpectedly. I wrote about the loss of Dr. …
Will public schools continue to exist in the United States? You have to wonder when you consider the press release below. This morning, billionaire mischief …
Greetings from Australia! Karl Fisch’s latest blog, Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?, and a horrific current event inspired me to mine the Stager …
Imagine if just one President or Dean of a prestigious American university had the courage to speak out against the draconian policies of blaming, shaming, name-calling, ranking, sorting and endless testing that are destroying American public schools.