July 3, 2024

Open Education Bibliography

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  • Alexander, R. (2010). Children, their World, their Education: Final Report and Recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review. Routledge. [Read/Download summary report]
  • Apple, Michael (1979). Ideology and Curriculum.
  • Arons, Stephen (1976). Compelling Belief: The Culture of American Schooling.
  • Broudy, Harry (1964). Building a Philosophy of Education.
  • Bruner, Jerome (1966). Toward a Theory of Instruction.
  • Caldwell Holt, John (1972). Freedom and Beyond.
  • Coleman, James (1966). Equality of Educational Opportunity.
  • Dennison, George (1969). The Lives of Children.
  • Dore, Ronald (1976). The Diploma Disease: Education, Qualification, and Development.
  • Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Friedenberg, Edgar (1963). The Vanishing Adolescent.
  • Friedenberg, Edgar (1969). Coming of Age in America: Growth and Acquiescence.
  • Garber, Marion and Berlak, Harold (1970). Teaching about Learning.
  • Goodman, Paul (1964). Compulsory Miseducation.
  • Graubard, Allen (1968). Free the Children: Radical Reform and the Free School Movement.
  • Greene, Maxine (1978). Landscapes of Learning.
  • Gross, Ronald (1972) Open Education: A Beginning.
  • Hassett, J. and Weisberg, P. (1970s) Open Education.
  • Havighurst, Robert (1972) The Nature of Childhood and the Nature of Man.
  • Herndon, James (1969) The Way It Spozed to Be.
  • Holt, J. (1964) How Children Fail. Pitman Publishing. [PDF at Internet Archive]
  • Holt, John (1967). How Children Learn.
  • Illich, Ivan (1971). Deschooling Society.
  • Jackson, Philip (1968) Life in Classrooms.
  • Jacobs, Francine and Gross, Ronald (1972). The Children’s Rights Movement: Overcoming the Oppression of Young People.
  • Kohl, Herbert (1967) 36 Children.
  • Horton, M., Kohl, J., & Kohl, H. (1990) The long haul (Vol. 84). New York: Doubleday.
  • Kohl, H. (1969) The Open Classroom: A Practical Guide to a New Way of Teaching. New York Review Books. [link to PDF]
  • Kozol, Jonathan (1967). Death at an Early Age.
  • Kozol, Jonathan (1975). The Night is Dawn, I am Far from Home.
  • Malaguzzi, Loris (1970s). Various writings on the Reggio Emilia approach.
  • Meighan, Roland (1977). A Sociology of Educating.
  • Neill, A.S. (1960) Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Child Rearing.
  • Neill, A.S. (1962) Freedom, Not License!
  • Neill, A.S. (1969) Summerhill for and Against.
  • Norris, M. A. (1975) Continuity and Connection: Curriculum in Five Open Classrooms. ERIC. [article]
  • Passow, A. H. (1971) Reactions to Silberman’s Crisis in the Classroom: With a Response, by Charles E. Silberman. CA Jones Publishing Company.
  • Peddiwell, Abner (1959) The Saber-Tooth Curriculum.
  • Peters, R. S. (1966) Ethics and Education. Allen & Unwin. [Borrow/Read at Internet Archive]
  • Postman, N., & Weingartner, C. (1969) Teaching as a Subversive Activity. Delacorte Press. [Link to PDF]
  • Postman, Neil (1976). Teaching as a Conserving Activity.
  • Rathbone, Charles (1970s). Open education: the informal classroom.
  • Raywid, Mary Ann (1974) The Nontraditional Learner.
  • Reimer, Everett (1971) School is Dead.
  • Rogers, Carl (1969) Freedom to Learn: A View of What Education Might Become.
  • Schoolboys of Barbiana (1969) Letter to a Teacher.
  • Schneir, W., & Schneir, M. (1971) The Joy of Learning – In the Open CorridorNew York Times Magazine. [article]
  • Silberman, Charles (1970) Crisis in the Classroom: The Remaking of American Education. Random House. [Read/Borrow from Internet Archive]
  • Silberman, Charles (Ed.) (1973) The Open Classroom Reader. Vintage Books.
  • Sizer, Theodore (1964) Secondary Schools at the Turn of the Century.
  • Spodek, Bernard Open Education – The Legacy of the Progressive Movement.
  • Stephens, L. S. (1971) The Teacher’s Guide to Open Education. Prentice-Hall.
  • Stenhouse, L. (1975) An Introduction to Curriculum Research and Development. Heinemann.
  • Weber, Lillian (1975) The Pre-School and the Challenge of the Inner City.
  • Weber, Lilian (1971) The English Infant School and Informal Education. Prentice-Hall.
  • Weber, L., & Dennison, G. (1971) Open Corridor in the City School. Schocken Books.
  • Williams, P. (1967) Education in Change: British Infant Schools and Infant Education. Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  • Wexler, Philip (1976) Critical Social Psychology.

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