July 26, 2024

An Opportunity to Study with Me and Earn an MA

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From the Antioch Center for School Renewal


Learn with #Team NextGen!
Work with the best and brightest in the field including Gary Stager, Dan Callahan, Cathy Brophy, Cathy Higgins, and Zach Chase!

The Next Gen Instruciton concentration has been carefully aligned with ISTE-Nets.  Contact our office for more information!
A Class or a Concentration or a Degree- It’s Your Choice!
Not sure you’re ready to commit to a full program?  Looking to learn more about one specific topic? Any of the classes in the concentration can be taken as a single course.  Contact us for more information!

About AUNE
Antioch University New England (AUNE) is a dynamic, innovative institution offering scholarly, practice-oriented graduate study.



Now in its forty-seventh year, AUNE serves 1,000 students and is closely linked to the region, with national and global connections through its students, alumni, and institutional concerns. Our alumni, over 9,000 in number, constitute a strong network in leadership positions throughout New England, the United States, and the world. Many maintain an active involvement with AUNE.


Where Dewey Meets Digital: Next Generation Learning at AUNE

While the need to integrate technology into our 21st century classrooms is obvious, the technology to use and how to use it is not. Teachers at all levels are working hard to make sure that technology enhances their capacity to teach all students well, that it promotes creative problem-solving and real-world learning, and that it is used to foster a strong sense of educational community rather than isolation for learners.


Teachers want to ensure that technology is used appropriately and in support of higher-order thinking skills, and not just rote tasks. Finally, teachers want to be savvy consumers of educational technology. They need to know which technology best serves their learning outcomes and make sure that their students and schools make wise choices in the selection and integration of these technologies to maximize resources, minimize waste and keep authentic, high-level student learning at the heart of the educational-technology revolution.


 Concentration Goals

  • To use the cycle of inquiry and reflection to better use current technology and plan for technology in development.
  • To build and maintain digital and face-to-face learning communities that model shared responsibility and citizenship in both online and local networks.
  • To understand how to select the most effective technology for your students’ learning goals.
  • To create rigorous, engaging learning experiences that draw on both high-tech and high-touch (both digital and local community) resources.
  • To make intentional choices around instruction and assessment that are sensitive to and inclusive of differences in class, race, culture and learning difference.Next Generation Instruction: It’s more than Technology

Check out the Course Sequence
  • Is there an App for that? builds a collaborative understanding of “next generation” learning, its roots and its opportunities. We will explore when and how to use technology- and when not to. Includes some discussion of the brain’s response to “screen” input at various developmental stages. This course will also help participants identify the technology available to them in their schools.
  • A Community is More Than a Place– explores face-to-face and online community building tools and strategies as well as facilitation of experience in both venues. 


  • Powerful Learning Designs for the 21st Century Learner– explores the various incarnations of experiential learning: problem, place, project and service learning- and their divergence and convergence with traditional instruction. This course will also focus on common assessments of uncommon experiences.


  • The Dangerous Door: Social Media – participants will explore not only the challenges and legal implications of utilizing social media as an instructional tool, but also the unique opportunities of the medium for teaching and learning.


  • Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century Classroom– This course will provide support for teachers as they design, facilitate and reflect upon their experiences in changing their instruction
Antioch Center for School Renewal • 40 Avon Street • Keene, NH 03431
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