July 26, 2024

Spring Travel at 9 Degrees Fahrenheit

I usually spend about 1/3 of each year on the road speaking and consulting with schools, governments or corporations. So far, 2008 has been no exception.

Over the past month or so I was a featured speaker at MACUL, made three presentations at the COSN Annual Conference, delivered two keynotes for Toshiba about 1:1 computing in education, led a STEM keynote in Potsdam, NY, was the closing keynote for the Texas Distance Learning Association Conference and in the spare time began teaching a computer programming class for K-5 kids once or twice a week in a Long Beach, CA school as a volunteer.

Just as Spring blooms and I mourn the fact that I only got to ski two days this winter, I’m off in a few hours to lead my "10 Things to Do with a Laptop: Learning and Powerful Ideas" presentation in Calgary, Alberta where it may be as cold as 9 degrees Fahrenheit! Time to schlep the parka! Ah, the glamourous life!

I won’t be there long enough to enjoy the weather or the scenery because immediately after the day-long Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation’s 1:1 Computing Leadership Summit, I fly to Seattle to participate in a similar event. The following day I will teaching my class in Long Beach. I will also be doing more work with the One Laptop Per Child Foundation over the next month.

If you want to catch me live and in-person over the next few months. Here are some of the places where I’ll be speaking:

I will probably be working across Australia in August.

Stay tuned for the announcement of an exciting summer event for educators over the next few days.

Gotta go find my ski gloves and scarf. Brrrrrrr!