July 27, 2024

Planning for Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions


In the past 24-hours alone, I’ve watched Dick VanDyke (on Tavis Smiley) and President Clinton (on Spectacle) each speak at great length about the value of a rich music and arts education for every child. Both men and their hosts lamented the reduction in such opportunities due to misplaced budget priorities and NCLB. (although threats to arts education proceed NCLB and even computers by decades)

A few nights ago I was moved to tears by a sappy "Mr. Holland-style" 20/20 documentary about a high musical production. I could spend my entire life collecting similar testimony.

If everybody knows that art and music education is critical to realizing one’s human potential, why do our actions contradict such self-evident truths?

‘Tis the season for looking in the mirror and taking stock

If you are a school teacher or administrator, you may make compromises occasionally or everyday that violate what you know is in the best interest of learners.

• What are those compromises?

• What are the consequences of those compromises?

• Why don’t you "do the right thing?"

For 2009, make a resolution to do only that which you know is good for children first and foremost. Who knows? You might just change the world!

Labels: kids, new year’s resolutions, teaching