Tennis and the Fallacy of Explicit Instruction
Anyone familiar with my work/scholarship knows that I am a constructionist who finds instruction to be severely overvalued. This is an admittedly unpopular view in …
The personal blog of Gary S. Stager, Ph.D.
Anyone familiar with my work/scholarship knows that I am a constructionist who finds instruction to be severely overvalued. This is an admittedly unpopular view in …
Today at 3, Oprah practices her schwa sound before an amazed audience! Contemporary language wars polarize and demonize advocates of phonics instruction and whole language …
Redundancy has something to be said for it. In language, redundancy is one thing that makes human communication possible.
But when the exact same phrase is used redundantly in the 670 pages of the NCLB law (strictly speaking the 2002 NCLB revision of the ESEA law) it would seem that there must be a compelling reason for such redundancy…
The following opinion column from the October issue of District Administration Magazine caused the owner (and Editor-in-Chief) of the magazine to publish an apology in the very next issue. …
The following opinion column from the October issue of District Administration Magazine caused the owner (and Editor-in-Chief) of the magazine to publish an apology in …
I’m writing this column because I’m embarrassed. Two recent issues of District Administration have carried columns by Gary Stager that have attacked aspects of the …