February 15, 2025

Professional Services

Gary speaking in Hong Kong
Gary Stager keynoting in Hong Kong

With more than three decades of experience inspiring educators around the world to create learning environments worthy of each child’s potential, Gary Stager is poised to bring unique and diverse expertise to your school, district, or event. Contact Gary with booking enquiries


Gary speaks with Australian students
Gary speaks with Australian students

Preparing Schools for their Students’ Future

Having taught everything from preschool through the doctoral level in some of the world’s most innovative schools, Gary brings unrivaled insights into planning, curriculum development, evaluation, technological fluency, and advocacy to schools committed to preparing students to solve problems their teachers never anticipated.

Contact Gary for booking information


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Gary in the classroom mentoring teachers

In-School Residency and teacher mentoring:

Invite Gary to mentor your teachers in their classrooms

  • Models best practices in project-based learning, constructionism, thematic unit development, and learning-by-doing
  • Teaches children to use computers in intellectually powerful and creatively expressive ways

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gary at podiumInspirational Speaker:

Entertaining, provocative, and informative talks, complete with examples of what real students can do today in order to help educators envision what they might do someday.

Click here for a sample list of Gary’s workshop and keynote topics.

All workshops and presentations are customized for each unique audience.

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What makes Gary Stager unique and worthy of your investment?

  • Helps schools bring the energy, creativity, and technology of the maker movement in K-12 classrooms
  • Pioneering work in 1:1 computing, robotics, and teaching children programming
  • Mentors teachers in their own classrooms
  • Leads in-school residencies where best practices are modeled on the teacher’s own turf
  • Expert in “The Reggio Emilia Approach”
  • Popular leader of parent, family, and community workshops
  • Creates immersive educator institutes
  • Specialist in consensus building and learning environment design
  • Like S.T.E.A.M? Gary earned a Ph.D. in Science and Math Education and a Grammy Award

About Gary Stager, Ph.D.

Gary Stager is one of the world’s leading experts and advocates for computer programming, robotics and learning-by-doing in classrooms. In 1990, Dr. Stager led professional development in the world’s first laptop schools and played a major role in the early days of online education. In addition to being a popular keynote speaker at some of the world’s most prestigious education conferences, Gary is a journalist, teacher educator, consultant, professor, software developer, and school-based innovator. An elementary teacher by training, he has taught students from preschool through doctoral studies. Gary is the founder of the Constructing Modern Knowledge summer institute for educators. Dr. Stager’s latest book, Invent To Learn – Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom was published in May 2013 by Constructing Modern Knowledge Press. The book brings the excitement and revolutionary game-changing technologies of the maker movement (fabrication, computer science and physical computing) to K-12 classrooms. Learn more here.

Contact Gary for booking enquiries