January 23, 2025

My 22nd NECC!

Just landing in San Antonio where I'll speak at my 22nd NECC and host
the 2nd Annual Constructivist Celebration.

I imagine that I've made approximately 60 presentations at NECC since
the mid-80s.

Hope to see you around the conference!

Sent from my iPhone

One thought on “My 22nd NECC!

  1. Have a good time Mr Stager and remember “to put the boot in”. Accept nothing and question everything.

    While you are there please make a note of the demographics of the attendees. Has it changed since the early days nearly three decades back?

    Has the advent of ‘web 2.0’, pardon the language, and its associated edublogger crowd impacted on the NECC attendance demographics?

    Cheers, John

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