The Best Kept Secret this Side of Italy
This is a 2002 interview I conducted with experts about the Reggio Emilia approach to education.
The personal blog of Gary S. Stager, Ph.D.
This is a 2002 interview I conducted with experts about the Reggio Emilia approach to education.
Imagine if just one President or Dean of a prestigious American university had the courage to speak out against the draconian policies of blaming, shaming, name-calling, ranking, sorting and endless testing that are destroying American public schools.
Very few living educators have earned their own anthology. Herb Kohl just did. Register for Constructing Modern Knowledge by June 5th and get a copy of The Herb Kohl Reader for free. Bring it with you to CMK09 and get it signed by the author!
You should know my friend Brian Silverman! He is an unsung hero in educational computing and he’ll be at Constructing Modern Knowledge this July 13-16 in Manchester, NH.
We are entering the cruelest part of the school year, standardized testing season. For those of you interested in introducing a bit of levity into your classroom without overtly protesting the tests, might I suggest the following books to read aloud to your students. Don’t just sit there! Read something!
I just remembered a remarkable kerfuffle I stumbled into twelve years ago. In December 2008, President-Elect Obama nominated the worst Secretary of Education and I …
..and yes, the Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate is smarter than a fifth grader! (The kid is terrific too) Be sure to watch until the end! …
Note: I wrote the article below two years ago. In light of Eli Broad’s takeover of the United States government and Kanye West’s latest outrage, …
A funny thing happened to me while in India (besides losing my luggage, teaching for three days on three hours sleep, and confronting an elephant in traffic). While speaking at a conference, I encountered another educator whose work blew my mind.