Computing Pioneer Added to CMK ’09 Faculty
You should know my friend Brian Silverman! He is an unsung hero in educational computing and he’ll be at Constructing Modern Knowledge this July 13-16 in Manchester, NH.
The personal blog of Gary S. Stager, Ph.D.
You should know my friend Brian Silverman! He is an unsung hero in educational computing and he’ll be at Constructing Modern Knowledge this July 13-16 in Manchester, NH.
I recently began teaching two new “methods” classes for preservice educators after a teacher-education hiatus of about a decade. While creating my syllabi, I decided to express some of the principles that I believe should guide excellent teaching. Here is that list of guiding principles.
I often tell people that I am “Photoshop disabled.” I know how to use about 1% of what Photoshop can do and am often confused by the software. Lesa Snider King is such an amazing teacher that her clever examples and clear presentation helps me understand the complexities of this critical software. Her expertise in digital photography and image manipulation allows her to tailor instruction for any learner. I’m thrilled that Lesa Snider King is part of the Constructing Modern Knowledge 2009 faculty.
We are entering the cruelest part of the school year, standardized testing season. For those of you interested in introducing a bit of levity into your classroom without overtly protesting the tests, might I suggest the following books to read aloud to your students. Don’t just sit there! Read something!
I recently wrote two articles about project-based learning for The Creative Educator Magazine.
Click the graphic above to learn more about this exciting Educon 2.1 preconference event! Gary StagerVeteran educator Gary Stager, Ph.D. is the author of Twenty …
A funny thing happened to me while in India (besides losing my luggage, teaching for three days on three hours sleep, and confronting an elephant in traffic). While speaking at a conference, I encountered another educator whose work blew my mind.